Tips for Preplanning

Posted on February 7, 2022 by admin under funeral home
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funeral homes in Uniopolis, OH

When a loved one passes away, it can cause a significant amount of grief for the individuals who have lost them. And because grief comes in five stages, it can be difficult to try to navigate the emotions time trying to plan all the details of the event. If no details are set in place, it can confuse loved ones looking at funeral homes in Uniopolis, OH, so understanding how the process works can be highly beneficial, and here are some suggestions.

Why Preplan?

Preplanning can be highly beneficial because it allows you or your loved one to choose the kind of details they want to have at the services. This creates less confusion for family members who don’t know what the wishes are for the event, but if the preplanning is already paid for, this can reduce the stress level of the individuals who are already going through grief. In addition, choosing not to preplan can cause negative feelings or upset individuals if conflicts in what people feel need to be completed at the service.

What are the Details?

The details of the event will be precisely up to the individual, and there are multiple options on the market to choose from, such as:

  • Will there be food and beverage service? And will this be catered to or a potluck-style event?
  • What kind of decorations will be utilized, and are there specific things to include?
  • Is this going to be a cremation or burial service (or both)?
  • Will there be eulogy readings or open mic options for individuals to talk about memories?
  • What kind of casket or urn, and will designs or decorations be applied?
  • Where will the event be held, and will it accommodate enough people?
  • What’s the best company to choose to work with to create the plan?
  • What will the budget be, and will any small details need to be included?

Another thing you’re going to need to consider is how you’re going to pay for the services. There are a few options on the market to choose from, which can include:

  • life insurance policyfuneral homes in Uniopolis, OH
  • trust fund
  • savings account
  • prepaid contract with a funeral home

One of the last things you’re going to want to consider is making sure you have all the proper documentation in place, including a list of all bills or contracts that need to be resolved. It can also be good to have one person listed as the primary person to handle any scheduling or details that need to be dealt with.

Caring for the Families in Our Community

Eley Funeral Home & Crematory it’s a locally owned company; it takes great pride in creating personalized events that truly honor our clients loved ones. We understand the pain of loss and would love to help you as you look at funeral homes in Uniopolis, OH, to create an authentic service. If you have any questions or you’d like more information, give us a call today, and we can help you get started.

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