Selecting a Casket for Your Spouse
The loss of a spouse can be devasting. As directors of funeral homes in Buckland, OH. we understand that you want to make sure every aspect of their final arrangements expresses your love for them. One of these elements is in the selection of their casket. To help you choose the perfect one, here are some key factors to keep in mind.
Consider Your Spouse’s Size
Caskets typically come in the standard size of 84 inches long by 28 inches wide and 23 inches high. This size will accommodate most average sized people. However, if your spouse was taller or larger than average, you may need to consider an oversized casket.
These oversized caskets are available in most styles and materials so there is a wide variety to choose from. One thing to note is that these oversized caskets are larger and therefore tend to come at a higher price point than their standard sized counterparts.
Think About Your Spouse’s Style
It can be very easy when shopping for caskets to start being drawn to those caskets that mesh with your tastes rather than what your spouse would have liked. Make sure you stay on track and look at those casket options that reflect the style and takes of your spouse.
For example, if your spouse was a more quiet induvial with classic tastes, even though you may like an over-the-top elaborately decorated casket, it may not be the best choice to represent them.
Customizing the Casket
There are many options for customizing the casket to truly make it unique for your spouse. This can be from selecting an interior lining color or design that shows their personality to having the entire casket wrapped with a design or logo.
Whatever your spouse’s hobbies, passions, beliefs, or design tastes, there is a way to customize the casket to reflect this. Since each casket provider may offer various forms of customization, talk with them directly to learn about what options you may have.
Consider the Addition of Special Features
Along with ways to customize the casket, there are also special features that can be added. One very common feature is to have a special compartment in the casket that is used to add items to be buried with your spouse. These items could be special photograph, notes written to your loved one, or some of their personal mementos.
You can also opt for additional special features such as specialty designed hardware, rounded and decorated corners as well as beautifully designed embellishments to be added.
Once again, it is important to not get carried away with what you might like, but be sure to keep your spouse’s style and personality in mind.
As directors of funeral homes in Buckland, OH., we can help you in this process as we understand what a challenging and trying time this can be. We are here to answer any questions you have about the casket selection process and provide resources and any additional information we can to help make this process easier.