Important Terms to Know When Planning Cremation Service
Are you going to be planning cremation services with a Buckland, OH funeral home? If so, there are some terms that you’re going to hear. You can count on the funeral home director to explain everything to you, but it doesn’t hurt to familiarize yourself with some terms ahead of time.
Here’s a look at some important terms to know about when planning a cremation service. It’ll make the planning consultation with the funeral director flow a lot smoother.
Alternative Container
When planning a cremation, you’ll get the chance to buy an urn into which you can place the cremated remains of your deceased relative. But if you don’t wish to buy an urn, you can get an alternative container. This refers to a vessel or receptacle, usually constructed out of cardboard or fiberboard, that is a lower-cost option for those who don’t want to buy an urn.
After the cremation process is completed, what is left are the ashes. The ashes, which are technically referred to as cremated remains or cremains, look like grayish-colored sand. The funeral home will place the ashes in an urn or in an alternative container. It’s important to know that the ashes don’t pose any environmental or health hazards.
A columbarium is a building or structure that is constructed with niches or shelves along the walls. Cremation urns are placed on these shelves. This is one option you can consider if you’d like to “bury” the urn in a permanent resting place. It wouldn’t technically be buried underground, of course, but it can provide as final a resting place as would burying the urn underground. Even so, you’ll be able to retrieve it and take it with you should you relocate to another city or another state.
Direct Cremation
Direct cremation is a type of cremation that includes the body disposition but not funeral service, celebration of life service, or memorial service. Because it strips out these extras, it’s typically the most cost-effective type of cremation that there is.
After the cremation stage, you will be able to scatter the ashes on the ground, on the water, and in the air. You can talk to the funeral home director for tips on scattering. The funeral director will also be able to sell you an urn that will make scattering easier.
When you need help planning final services, we’re here to help. We’re a professional funeral home with experience helping people to plan funeral services and cremation services in Buckland, OH. Don’t fall for the notion that all funeral homes are the same. Experience and professionalism matter. That’s why we’re your best choice for making body disposition arrangements that honor your deceased relative in a way that honors their memory. Our funeral director will explain the entire process to you, answer your questions, make recommendations, and ensure you’re able to make informed decisions. For the help you need, call us by phone, stop by our office, or visit us online.