Holding a Celebration of Life for Your Deceased Loved One at Funeral Homes in Buckland OH

Posted on October 18, 2021 by admin under funeral home
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funeral homes in Buckland, OH

These days, when a person dies, their family might be a bit more likely to want to hold a celebration of life at funeral homes in Buckland, OH. A celebration of life might even be held in place of a traditional funeral service. Many people do not wish to be mourned in death. Instead, they may want their loved ones to celebrate their lives in a fun and unique way.

A funeral can be an extremely personal thing for the family and even the deceased before they pass, in some cases. There are no rules to holding a celebration of life at funeral homes in Buckland, OH.

Funeral planning has also changed in this day and time. With more people selecting direct cremation, this option cuts costs for the family. Under these circumstances, the funeral director will take the remains to the crematorium without a funeral service.

If you and your family opt for a direct cremation, this act can become a part of the funeral services as the family can scatter the ashes as part of the ceremony.

What Exactly Is a Celebration of Life?

A celebration of life can take almost any form. The ceremony can be anything from a simple party at a house or a favorite gathering place of the deceased to even a location abroad. Many families don’t even hold celebration of life events at churches. The key to these types of gatherings is making things personal.

Most of these events aren’t really formal, but it might help to have a bit of structure to them. Doing this ensures that the family members remember the deceased in their own way. Some families might even opt to have both a traditional funeral service and a more unique celebration of life ceremony.

Ideas for a Celebration of Life Ceremony

funeral home serving Buckland, OHPlanning a celebration of life ceremony can be both fun and life affirming. When planning this event, keep the location in mind at all times. By including a number of people into the planning process, you can create an event that is memorable for all involved.

Some ideas that you and your family can include in your celebration of life event include some of the following:

  • Have all of the attendees light a candle in memory of the deceased
  • Create a video reel of memories of the deceased
  • Read from the deceased’s favorite authors and poets
  • Create a photo memory book with pictures of the deceased and attendees
  • During the celebration of life event, play a playlist of the deceased’s favorite songs

A celebration of life event should be just that: a celebration. Let us help with the festivities in any way that we can. The staff at Eley Funeral Home can help you and your family hold an end of life celebration event at funeral homes in Buckland, OH. Call or visit our Buckland, OH facility during normal business hours for more information on how we can help make your celebration of life arrangements memorable for you and your family for years on end.

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